Tuesday, April 15, 2014

THE LAW OF CREATORSHIP - Request for a natural law

by Vance Ferrell, Appendix 1 in the "Science vs. Evolution" textbook

I am not here making request that such a law be invented, but that it be acknowledged; for it already exists.

This is a unique chapter, not normally found in creationist books. Yet it concerns something that is very important in our world and which should be recognized as such.

When Sir Isaac Newton announced the law of gravity, in his book, the Principia in 1687, he did not “prove” its existence. He only acknowledged that it was already operating, and then cited several mathematical formulas about it. Natural laws are never “made;” instead, their existence is acknowledged and several facts about them are stated.

Newton’s law did not show what gravity was; it explained neither its nature nor its cause. It only noted some ways by which it operated. We cannot expect to be able to do more than that when elucidating the Law of Creatorship.

Although we can explain neither the cause nor the nature of life, a vast amount of evidence has been uncovered which clarifies a portion of the many ways by which it functions.

All the evidence from nature, including the large amount given in this book, points to a Creator God who made living creatures and keeps them alive.

The fact that you are alive is as obvious as the fact that, if you jump in the air, gravity will quickly bring you back to the ground.

I differ from other creationists, in that I do not consider creation to be a theory, standing in opposition to the theory of evolution. Nowhere in this book will you find the suggestion that creation is a theory. A theory is a collected set of hypotheses, such as relativity, the quantum theory, evolution, and plate tectonics.

In strong contrast, creation is an established fact. An unprejudiced person need only study the structure and function of a hummingbird, most of which (without the feathers) is about the size of a bean, and he will be convinced of this fact. Or reseach into all that is involved in the human eye. Creation is a daily reality far beyond the theoretical stage!

What are some of the characteristics of natural laws? They are all-pervasive and everywhere applicable. They are regular in their occurrance. They consistently apply. They can be repeatedly observed in the laboratory or field; and theorems, principles, and laws can be formulated based on them. Exceptions can be explained as consistent with damage by accidents or mutations, not by primal origin.

The natural law of creatorship can be identified, in its application to each created object, by several qualities: precise coordination of many parts, intelligently and careful design, extreme complexity, specified complexity, irreducible complexity, a unified wholeness, and a reality unexplainable by any other causal agency.

This law of creatorship also covers one other unique and very astounding aspect, that of life. Just as scientists cannot make gravity out of nongravity, or tinker with gravity (making it heavier or lighter), so they cannot impart life to something non-living. (Resuscitating a person would not count, for life was still present and the heart need only be restarted.) The reality of life as part of a natural law should be acknowledged.

The law of creatorship is as solid, unerring, and undisprovable as is the law of gravity. It is really an already proven fact, and we should acknowledge it as such. It should be placed in the halls of science as a respected law. The creatorship of God was fully accepted by working, successful scientists for over 500 years before Darwin’s foolishness was extolled. They considered His creatorship to be a universally applicable fact.

The fact of creation requires a Creator. Therefore, I call it the law of creatorship, rather than the law of life or the law of creation. Creation cannot be explained apart from a super-intelligent, all-powerful Maker, who designed and made all things. The great truth remains: “In Him we live and move, and have our being.”

The law of creatorship also explains natural phenomena which are not living. For example, in 1680, Newton calculated that an inverse square law of gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets explained the elliptical orbits earlier discovered by Kepler. Yet the precise means by which all the planets are located exactly at certain distances from the sun, orbit at precisely certain speeds, and maintain their necessary elliptical configurations—requires something beyond Newton’s three laws of motion and the counteracting law of gravity which together keep them in balance in their orbits. Something else is at work, continually guiding all this, so the planets do not fall into the sun!

Our moon, with a mass only one-eighth and a gravity only one-sixth that of earth, is exactly held in orbit by its speed of rotation and mutual gravity between it and the earth. This sustained balance is too precise to be explained by anything other than the law of creatorship.

Chapter 18 in this book discusses the second law of thermodynamics, which also points us directly toward the law of creatorship. Indeed, the properties of this law of entropy require it.

“The Second Law of Thermodynamics refers to the qualitative degeneration of energy. That energy decay is also called 'entropy.' Entropy increases as matter or energy becomes less useable...The Second Law states that all systems will tend toward the most mathematically probable state, and eventually become totally random and disorganized. To put it in the vernacular, apart from a Higher Power, everything left to itself will ultimately go to pieces. All science bows low before the Second Law.”—pp. 747-748.

The Second Law declares that all of nature, throughout the universe, is running down—and thereby points us to a Creator which made it.

In addition, the First Law of Thermodynamics states that, since matter/energy can neither
make itself nor eliminate itself, only an outside agency or power could bring it into existence. Thus, that law also points to the Law of Creatorship.

The usual reply by evolutionary scientists is that nothing can be scientifically accepted as genuine, or existing, until it has been duplicated by scientists in one laboratory, and then repeated in other laboratories.

In reply, I say that, first, scientists do not have to make a gull’s wing in a laboratory in order to believe that it exists. Second, a gull’s wing could not be made in a laboratory anyway!

In reality, just as one scientist can examine a gull’s wing and another scientist can afterward verify his findings, so researchers should feel free to consider some of the many truly awesome wonders of living creatures and, based on those otherwise unexplainable marvels, acknowledge the Law of Creatorship. Only God could make and sustain those amazing things. There is no other answer.

That is the scientific proof of the law. The living, functioning existence of living creatures is the undeniable evidence. It may be rejected, but cannot scientifically be denied.

Read again Chapter 27 of this book [Summary of the Anthropic Principle] and acknowledge the truth of the situation. Creation is not a theory, but a fact. It is not a hypothesis, but one of the grand laws of matter and existence.

Great evils have fallen upon our world today because the God who made it is no longer recognized by so many in the world.

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